Audio Samples of different TTS models (randomly picked)

LJ028-0349: who were each required to send so large a number to Babylon, that in all there were collected no fewer than fifty thousand.

Ground truth WaveGlow Tacotron2 Glow-TTS BVAE-TTS BVAE-TTS w/o jittering

LJ002-0260: Yet the public opinion of the whole body seems to have checked dissipation.

Ground truth WaveGlow Tacotron2 Glow-TTS BVAE-TTS BVAE-TTS w/o jittering

LJ031-0014: the Presidential limousine arrived at the emergency entrance of the Parkland Hospital at about twelve:thirty-five p.m.

Ground truth WaveGlow Tacotron2 Glow-TTS BVAE-TTS BVAE-TTS w/o jittering

LJ046-0191: it had established periodic regular review of the status of four hundred individuals;

Ground truth WaveGlow Tacotron2 Glow-TTS BVAE-TTS BVAE-TTS w/o jittering

LJ002-0253: were governed by rules which they themselves had framed, and under which subscriptions were levied

Ground truth WaveGlow Tacotron2 Glow-TTS BVAE-TTS BVAE-TTS w/o jittering

LJ008-0121: After the construction and action of the machine had been explained, the doctor asked the governor what kind of men he had commanded at Goree,

Ground truth WaveGlow Tacotron2 Glow-TTS BVAE-TTS BVAE-TTS w/o jittering

LJ028-0145: And here I may not omit to tell the use to which the mould dug out of the great moat was turned, nor the manner wherein the wall was wrought.

Ground truth WaveGlow Tacotron2 Glow-TTS BVAE-TTS BVAE-TTS w/o jittering

LJ015-0194: and behaved so as to justify a belief that he had been a jail-bird all his life.

Ground truth WaveGlow Tacotron2 Glow-TTS BVAE-TTS BVAE-TTS w/o jittering

LJ023-0016: In nineteen thirty-three you and I knew that we must never let our economic system get completely out of joint again

Ground truth WaveGlow Tacotron2 Glow-TTS BVAE-TTS BVAE-TTS w/o jittering

LJ011-0141: There were at the moment in Newgate six convicts sentenced to death for forging wills.

Ground truth WaveGlow Tacotron2 Glow-TTS BVAE-TTS BVAE-TTS w/o jittering

Audio Samples with higher temperature (T=5.0 for different blocks)

Transcript: Hello My Friends

Block Sample1 Sample2 Sample3
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4

Transcript: One Two Three

Block Sample1 Sample2 Sample3
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4

Transcript: Trick Or Treat

Block Sample1 Sample2 Sample3
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Block 4

Speed Control

Transcript: One Two Three

Emphasis on One Emphasis on Two Emphasis on Three Concatenated